Judicial Recovery
Judicial Recovery
- Analysis of Judicial Recovery documents;
- Verification of credits declared as owed by the company under judicial recovery;
- Presentation of discrepancies;
- Challenge or validation of credits to ensure the inclusion of the amount actually owed to the company in the general creditors' list;
- Trace and identify assets owned by the debtor, which may be registered under third parties' names;
- Identify other companies within the same economic group;
- Identify potential transactions conducted to: divert the company's assets; exempt its administrators and controllers from the existing liabilities; hinder the settlement of debts owed to suppliers;
- Challenge, validation, or objection to credits wrongly recorded by the debtor;
- Analysis of the proposed judicial recovery plan;
- Discussion of the judicial recovery plan with the client;
- Participation in meetings to discuss the recovery plan presented by the debtor, as well as creditors' payment terms and conditions;
- Monitoring legal actions and proceedings;
- Communication with the judicial administrator appointed by the Court to oversee the debtor's judicial recovery process;
- Filing necessary appeals, including those directed to higher courts;
- Oral arguments during court sessions;
- Preparation of legal briefs and meetings with Judges, Appellate Judges, and Supreme Court Justices;
- Response to any appeals filed by the opposing party;
- Monitoring the Judicial Recovery process until the client's credit is paid and/or the case is successfully concluded.