
JRC Agro


We leverage the benefits of Law 11.101/2005 (amended by 14.112/2020), which deals with judicial recovery and includes small, medium, and large farmers. This law aims to aid Brazilian rural producers facing financial difficulties, recognizing that individual farmers have the right to use the same legal mechanisms available to any business in Brazil for their restructuring. In one of our recent successful cases, we initiated negotiations with creditors of the Maldaner Agricultural Group. This group from Balsas-MA, with over 20 years of history, is presenting a payment plan and maintaining a period of essential asset protection. This allows for organized and transparent planning for future harvests, fostering ongoing activities, job creation, and income generation.

Rural Property Regularization

Rural credit is closely related to the regularity of rural properties where agricultural and livestock activities will be conducted and which will serve as collateral. Therefore, properties without proper registration in the land registry, without georeferencing (Law No. 10.267/01), without Rural Property Registration Certificate ("CCIR"), and without Rural Environmental Cadastre (CAR) are unlikely to serve as collateral for financing or investment. Thus, JRCLaw has a dedicated area for extrajudicial (and judicial) solutions for rural property regularization. + 3,000.00 ha regularized with an average process duration of 2 (two) years.